Sunday, 21 February 2010

All Carnival has its end!!

As they say all Carnival has its end, and this year has finally ended, as did all the debates around the Brazilian party. The girl Julia Lira (discussion of 2010) paraded, not only paraded as wept. Julia cried with the media attention upon her person and only after being caressed by her mother, like any child, was that she managed to recover and sambar.

But why expose a child of 7 years old and crown her as the queen of Viradouro Samba School, the sexiest position of the Brazilian Carnival? Her father, Marco Lira, who is the current president of the school, probably seeing the talent of his daughter dancing, did not think twice about putting her in the spotlight, and maybe get some media attention. Mr. Lira got it right; the name Viradouro was read and heard in all corners of the world. However, I ask myself, what was the reason that made Julia desire to dance in a position occupied by adult women, usually half-naked? Probably the media again.

In Brazil, there is a rule, if you are pretty and famous, you will end up as the queen of some samba school, and Julia, probably seeing this situation wanted to be as famous as such women. She probably dreamed to become a celebrity and her father used the girl's dream to his own benefit.

The whole thing made me wonder if the Brazilians are not reaching a limit, a limit where we expose our women too much, a limit of manners and respect. Is it OK to expose our bodies, just to get the media attention? At any moment, those women feel overused? And further, why the Brazilian people agree with all this? After all are our daughters, wives and sisters being exposed as a piece of meat.